Anne Frank Rachel Malo - Period 2

Exploring Amsterdam

Secret Annex

The hiding place is located in an empty section of the building owned by Otto Frank's company. While business continues, as usual, in the front part of the building, there are people hiding in the annex out back. This Annex was a place Anne called home for 2 years of her life till she was taken in by the Natizis.

Secret bookshelf that led into the Secret Annex
Small kitchen the Frank's had to use in order to cook there small amount of food

Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum is a Netherlands national museum of arts and history in Amsterdam. The main building was designed by Pierre Cuypers and first opened in 1885. On 13 April 2013, the main building was reopened. In 2013 and 2014, it was the most visited museum in the Netherlands with 2.2 million to 2.45 million visitors.

Art piece inside the museum
Outside of the museum

Nuremberg Law

This is a chart the nazis used to determine whether you were considered a Jew or not

Marriage between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent the law. Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the State Prosecutor.

Extramarital intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood is forbidden.

Jews may not employ in their household female subjects of the state of German o related blood who are under 45 years old.

Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or National flag or to display the Reich colors. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.

Any person who violates the prohibition under I will be punished by a prison sentence with hard labor. A male who violates the prohibition under I will be punished with a prison sentence with or without hard labor. Any person violating the provisions under III or IV will be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties. The Reich Minister of the Interior, in coordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the Legal and Administrative regulations required to implement and complete the Law. The Law takes effect on the day following promulgations except for III, which goes into force on January 1, 1936. Nuremberg, September 15, 1935 at the Reich Party Congress of Freedom.


Propaganda is information base on false information used to promote a political cause in history, of someones certain point of view. Propaganda was used to inform people about certain points of views. They tend to be offensive. It was used for the nazis to let the Germans know there idea of how the Jews lived there life. It was also used for the Japanese culture. In the case of the Holocaust, these propoganda pieces were used to inform Germans about how bad the Jewish population was and any other culture they didn't believe in. The nazis would put these propaganda pieces eveywhere in Germany to keep letting the population know how bad these cultures are. But only putting it in the nazis point of view.


Margot Frank 

She is the older sister on Anne by three years. She was always a good student and was very neat and organized. Her and Anne got in a little but of fights during there time in the Secret Annex but they always fixed it and we're very close. Margot wanted to move to Palestine Mandate after the war and become a maternity nurse.

Portrait of Margot Frank

Edith Frank

Edith was Anne's mother. She was born in Aachen on January 16th 1900. She had two older brothers named Juluis and Walter. She as known to not get along with Anne and would go to great lengths for her children. Otto Frank stated the war wrecked her more then anyone else.

Portrait of Edith Frank

Otto Frank

Otto Frank was Anne's father. He was born on May 12th 1889 in Frankfurt am Main. He had three siblings. An older brother names Robert, a younger brother named Herbert and a younger sister named Helene. He was always calm and when the Frank's where in the Secret Annex he became there teacher. He was a leader. He was also the only person from the Frank family to survive the war and had been the person to publish Anne's diary.

Portrait of Otto Frank

Peter Van Pels

Peter was part of the other family living with the Frank's inside the secret Annex. He had no siblings. He was born on November 8th 1926 in Osnabrück. Which is near the Dutch border. When living in the secret Annex he was a person Anne had an eye for. Anne soon began to like him.

Portrait of Peter Van Pel

Act 1 Summary 

The Frank's are a Jewish family living in Holland. Once the war breaks out, they decided they are going to go into hiding at the back of Otto Frank's work. They plan an entire escape to go into hiding once Margot got a letter from the Nazis saying she was needed at a death camp. The only people who know they are in hiding was Miep Gies. The Frank's soon met up with the Van Pels in the secret annex, which was what they called there hiding place. Act 1 is all about how everyone is doing in the secret annex, who's not getting along, and who's fighting.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 

When did the WarSaw Ghetto take place? The WarSaw ghetto took place From April 19 to May 16, 1943. How many people died in the WarSaw ghetto? 13,000 Jews died in the ghetto. How many German soldier and Jewish fighters were killed in the uprising? There was no more then around 300 German sliders killed in the WarSaw ghetto. What did it do for Jewish morale in Poland? This led Jews to believe that they could revolt and win against the Nazis. It was the latest revolt in all for world war ll

Act ll Summary

Towards the middle of the Frank's and Van Dans stay at the secret annex Miep brings them a cake. This is very rare because sugar was scarce. They got into a big argument about who slice was bigger. During this argument the Frank's found out the Mr.Van Dan had been stealing the little to no food they had left, Mrs.Frank told the Van Dan family to leave the secret annex imediently. Peter stood up on a chair because he had herd something downstairs and turned off the light. Peter fell off the chair and it made a loud noise. Later we find out that mr. Kraler is being black mailed because someone had found out that they were hiding Jews. In the last part of act ll the Frank and Van Dan family had been discovered by Natzis and taken to death camps. Mr Frank comes back a couple months later to find out he was the only surviver, and soon read Anne's diary.

Created with images by JeffHBlum - "Anne Frank" • ernohannink - "Anne Frank huis Amsterdam voordeur" • romanboed - "I amsterdam / Rijks Museum (Explored)" • romanboed - "Many came to see it" • LoggaWiggler - "colosseum rome amphitheater"

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