Monthly newsletter April 2016


We have been working on the first mission.

We made 4 tutorials from the first mission Task 1-  using rotation and degrees 

If we want to complete this first mission we should complete Task 2

that is, use colour sensor and visit each country and.....

and Task 3, that is, carry flag to each partner country and leave it there by using medium motor

and we started to solve the second mission

Firstly we had to learn how to use sensors

because of this we watched some tutorials on useful web sites, learnt some new tools and comands

Then we tried to use it in practice.

and programed very simple robot movement with using sensors


In Spain we have been working hard on the second mission. We are programming robots to recycle paper. In order to reach the paper container , the robot has to follow a path lined with trees. Sometimes it's difficult not to knock down a tree or two!

We are using a colour sensor to detect blue and start the itinerary. It's difficult to make the robot follow the line of the path because we are using rotations and degrees for this. Now we are making the tutorials for this mission.


This month we were up to a new map which is prepared for Robotics Course. This map is about protecting the environment. We used recycle bins, fabrical waste and also recyclable waste. It was a quite hard mission. We used new commands. For example: switch command. Switch command can change other commands with anothers.

At this time we were finishing our video for course. Videos are about our projects and also what are we doing in this course. At the end of this month we completed all things about videos. But we couldn’t finish our new project. Probably we will continue to the project next month too.
Also our district governor,Hulusi Doğan visited our school and we talked about our Erasmus+ project.

Spring has come, recycling has started

The new mission is moving on. Children have really got into recycling and started to think of new innovative ways of recycling. We have already completed the first two tasks and going for the third.
Color and gyro sensors are our two best friends in our mission. We are using them in order two find the cubes grab them and find our way to the recycling plant.
It wasn’t very easy but we are working hard and trying to complete all three tasks.
all school students watched vimeo tutorials

we started preparing our own tutorials from Mission 1

class projects leaders have lead robotics lessons for all pupils from each class

we invited 3rd grade students to the project

Students-volunteers from Science University in Cracow came to our school to help us with the project

We had a lot of fun with our robots !

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