Will You Go Home? b-sides • January 3, 2016

"With weeping they shall come, and with consolations I will lead them back, I will let them walk by brooks of water, in a straight path in which they shall not stumble." Jeremiah 31:9
Exiles know where to go when they return home.



1. We are all exiled seeking to return home -- what is home to you? How do you define it?

2. What wreckage have you left behind? From what have you been exiled?

3. What graves would you have to pass by and mourn? What dreams have you laid down?

Are you in exile from God? Know that he loves you, weeps with you, offers a grace big enough, and strong enough, and loving enough to welcome you home.
Are you an exile from the present?
Created with images by romanboed - "Mount Kilimanjaro Rising Above the Plain and the Clouds" • Hans - "holiday house summer house home" • SFB579 :) - "Bent by the Wind"

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