Smart Tools for Farmers Help Increase Yield
CSISA, in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute and state universities and government partners, has developed localized versions of the ‘Crop Manager’ decision-making tool to provide location-specific fertilizer recommendations for farmers growing rice and maize in Odisha and rice-wheat and maize in eastern Uttar Pradesh. In the Cauvery Delta of Tamil Nadu, a version of ‘Nutrient Manager for Rice’ has been developed by CSISA to support and complement the existing crop management advisory services of the state government.
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) has endorsed the Rice Crop Manager and will be extending its recommendations to the farmers through their network. The tool includes both a web-based and mobile Android application with a simple, user-friendly interface providing personalized fertilizer guidance (optimum amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) for critical growth stages of the plant in order to increase yield and profit.