Online Reading Resources march 2016


Newsela contains relevant nonfiction articles that are current and updated daily. Articles are written in different lexile levels and come with a few comprehension questions. Students have the opportunity to read current event articles at the level they're comfortable with.


Read Theory offers online reading activities for all ages and ability levels. It adapts to students' individual ability levels and presents them with skill building exercises that suit their needs.


Smithsonian Tween Tribune contains a great collection of articles in both English and Spanish. It is along the lines of Newsela where you can change the lexile level to fit the needs of your students. It has tabs for elementary, middle, and high, but also Spanish and Technology. Teachers can assign students an article, and all students are able to read the same article on their own reading/lexile level. The articles also have a few comprehension questions related to them.


ReadWorks provides research-based units, lessons, and authentic, leveled non-fiction and literary passages directly to educators online, for free, to be shared broadly.


This site is home to a package of interactive games, guided reading stories, and resources such as literacy worksheets, that have been developed to help emerging readers learn to read.


Into the Book is designed to help improve elementary students' reading comprehension, as well as their ability to think and learn across the curriculum. It offers interactive activities for students focusing on reading strategies in both English and Spanish as well as a plethora of resources for teachers.

Created with images by WokinghamLibraries - "picture books subject"

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