"Welcome to Paris" photos by jaehyung rhee

Show Choir hosted a benefit dinner, "Welcome to Paris," to celebrate the ending of a successful season on Saturday, April 9th. Invitees were presented with live performances as well as auctions to fundraise for the 2016-2017 show choir season. The program consisted of an elegant French dining experience, senior solos and duets and the entire rerun of RBHS's Satin N' Lace and City Lights award winning routine.

"Senior cabaret was great. It was amazing to close off senior year with all my close friends. " - Neil Cathro, senior
"Everyone gave it their all but what was cool about it is, it wasn't the pressure of a competition. We just got to have fun and do our last show for the people we love, the people who support us."- Christian Henry, senior
"I would say [the last performance] was one of the best performances. Being able to see all the cabaret acts beforehand and performing one last time on the stage," - Danielle Lea, junior
"I got to see all of our hard work pay off at performances and competitions, as well as getting to meet new people and make new friends that I've become very close with. I just loved being a part of something so special and unique." - Ben Lopez, junior

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