All-College Honors Newsletter Mid November EDITION: 2015

Check out our new Riddle Contest at the end of your newsletter. One lucky winner has already been chosen for a Tim Hortons gift card. You could be next!

Thank you for your attention and time in opening this email. The All-College Honors Program's Student Board and newly founded Honors Student Association is proud to present our third bi-weekly newsletter.

This is an effort to increase effective communication within the Honors Program without having an excessive number of emails.

During the academic year, we anticipate disseminating this newsletter at the beginning and middle of every month

Important to Know

Honors Student Association Office Hours: Come visit your E-Board members, study for an exam in a quiet spot, or ask questions about the club! SC 212

  • President- Liz Piotrowski Sunday 7-8pm
  • Vice President- Vince Bargnes Monday 1-2pm
  • Treasurer- Matt Pernick Monday 3-4 p.m.
  • Secretary- Jess Dieter Thursday 4-5pm
  • Communications Chair- Jeremy Michalski Tuesday 4-5

Please invite any of your qualified 1st & 2nd year friends to join the All-College Honors Program, especially if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Previously invited to join the Canisius Honors Program, but declined at that time
  2. Have a SAT score of 1300 or a SATV score of 700 or an ACT score of 28 (1st-year students)
  3. Graduated from high school in the top 10 percent of your class (1st-year students)
  4. Have a cumulative 3.5 GPA (sophomores)

Qualified & interested students will be given credit in the Honors curriculum for the Core courses they have taken or are taking, up to a certain maximum.

If you don't meet any of these admissions criteria, you may petition to join Honors by contacting Dr. Dierenfield directly.

Upcoming Events

HSA/GGB Thanksgiving Dinner - Saturday, Nov 21st at 6pm in Regis

Free food, great times, and holiday cheer will be provided. Contact: Liz Piotrowski (

4th General Body Meeting - December 3rd from 7-8 pm Regis Room (2nd Floor Student Center)

In our final meeting of the semester, committees will be meeting as well as we look towards the Spring semester. Free pizza will be served! Contact: Liz Piotrowski (

Honors Christmas Party - Friday, December 11th Time TBA (but most likely 2pm-5pm) in Grupp Fireside Lounge (2nd floor of Student Center)

Save the date! More info to follow in the December newsletter. Rest assured there will be plenty of great food and festivities. This is a proud tradition in the Honors Program and fun is always had by professors and students alike.

Riddle Contest

Last week's riddle: Imagine you are in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks. How do you survive? Solution: Simply stop imagining!

Last week's winner was Janelle Harb! Congratulations! Come pick up your prize at any of the office hour times listed above. Now for this week's riddle....

How far can you run into the woods?

Email your answer to Vince at and get put in a drawing to win a Tim Hortons gift card!

The solution and winner for this week will be announced in the next newsletter.

Created By
Vincent Bargnes
Created with images by Scott McLeod - "Question Mark Cookies 2" • kurmanstaff - "Crumbs Thanksgiving" • apasciuto - "Pizza Box slice" • fincayra0204 - "christmas christmas ornament ball" • Rusty Clark - "Magic Wings"

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