Myanmar Flood Cyclone SurvivOr Took Part in EmergencyRESPONSE

Maung Phyu Hla is currently working as an Assistant Education Officer for ACT Alliance member LWF in Rakhine State, Myanmar. When Cyclone Komen hit the region last year, he actively took part in the emergency response team of LWF even though his family was severely affected by the flood.

"I was together with my family when the cyclone came. My family had to evacuate and stay together with other people for two days in a monastery which was not flooded. We had to evacuate to the monastery in a small boat and ate only what was available in the monastery "

During the emergency period, LWF formed emergency response teams at once which covered the Townships; Ponna Gyun, Kyauktaw, Mrauk U, Minbya and Ann in Rakhine State. Maung Phyu Hla led the Ponna Gyun team, made up of six people. His team supported cyclone affected communities in Mya Thout, Dar Paing and Onh Thoe Tan villages in Mya Thout village tract, Ponna Gyun Township through a close collaboration with Ponna Gyun Township Administrators. These areas were affected badly by the cyclone. Before distribution, the team conducted a rapid assessment together with Community Based Organizations (CBO), villagers and volunteers. The Ponna Gyun team distributed rice, salt, beans, drinking water, oil, Non Food Item (NFI) kits and exercise books for 211 families in the four villages.

Maung Phyu Hla and his team members checking the list of people by relief kits received
"I’m very much delighted to help people in real need especially when they had to seek support from others"

Interviewed by Mya Yadanar Khin, Communications and Reporting Officer, LWF Sittwe Office

Created By
Valter Hugo Muniz / ACT

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