Let's Hold the Presidential Candidates Accountable for Paid Family Leave Send a Tweet Directly to Each Candidate Calling for Their Commitment

Donald Trump

Or copy and paste this language: #PaidLeave saves babies lives. @realDonaldTrump will you take action in your first 100 days? http://chn.ge/1Nn3FDN

Hillary Clinton

Or copy and paste this language: #PaidLeave saves babies lives. @HillaryClinton will you take action in your first 100 days? http://chn.ge/1Nn3FDN

Ted Cruz

Or copy and paste this language: #PaidLeave saves babies lives. @TedCruz will you take action in your first 100 days? http://chn.ge/1Nn3FDN

Bernie Sanders

Or copy and paste this language: #PaidLeave saves babies lives. @BernieSanders will you take action in your first 100 days? http://chn.ge/1Nn3FDN

John Kasich

Or copy and paste this language: #PaidLeave saves babies lives. @JohnKasich will you take action in your first 100 days? http://chn.ge/1Nn3FDN

Make Sure to Sign & Share Our Petition

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