Servants & Stewards B-sides • January 10, 2016

"His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ Jesus said to them, ‘Fill the jars with water.’ And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, ‘Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.’ So they took it." John 2:5-8
605 bottles of wine
The servant knows and notices what we often take for granted; the servant knows it's a miracle.



1. Where do you recognize a chief steward attitude--concerned with the quality of wine rather than the miracle of the wine itself--at work in your own life?

2. How might your lifestyle and habits support a chief steward attitude rather than a servant perspective?

3. Where could you put in some plain, old-fashioned hard work? Who knows how it might turn out!

"The servants are the ones allowed to witness Jesus revealing his glory and his identity."

God, we prefer to run away from you. Shame and shadows trail us, eclipse us. Yet you pursue and search for us, even as we cover ourselves and hide from you, feeling uncertain and unworthy. It's hard to believe and understand that shame and death and illness do not undo us; that you give us the Light of the World, Jesus. Brighten our sight, dispel shadows and shame with your cleansing, honest light. As you invite us into your kingdom, help us to see and stand in your truth. Amen.

Created with images by oatsy40 - "Jars" • Fareham Wine - "Bordeaux Wines at Fareham Wine Cellar" • fvfavo - "workers on the field"

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