Create Responsive content

What is Responsive Design

RESPONSIVE DESIGN - provides the optimal experience for the user.

Responsive Design adapts to Large Screens. By scaling the top graphic with 4 leading columns.
Content adapts for iPAD - now with two columns and different image sizes. The top banner graphics width is reduced (by cropping and scaling). Important information should not be included on either end of the top banner.
One column content for the portable hand-held device. Top Banner is scaled and cropped. With the first column now being the website lead. The content now loads the once horizontal content, as a vertical feed.
Responsive Design responses to the users device.
What is the impact to the designer?

Responsive Design certainly is an excellent method to ensure that content loads well. However, for the designer - much of the layout control has exchanged for usability. That idea that 1 Solution will do is gone. In today's creative thinking environment it is important to understand that all design challenges have multiple solutions.

Delivering digital content is a shining example of having to think of more than one solution. Design elements today need to be adaptable. As designers we need to envision the impact of our design across changing platforms. website combines CSS and Scalable Vector Graphics to ensure content loads correctly on all devices.

Created By
Gary Crossey

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