Lakeview News November 6, 2015

Welcome to the Lakeview News

The goal of the Lakeview News is to show the joy and learning that happens every day at Lakeview (including Dylan investigating rocks in Ms. Coghlan's class above). You can access archives for the PTSA-produced Leopard Tales newsletter, as well as view an archive of both the Leopard Tales and the Lakeview News, at the links below:

The Joy of School

Here are a few of our favorite scenes since our last Lakeview News (tap/click to enlarge):

4th grade scientists in Ms. Phipps class demonstrate the water cycle song.

Ms. Edwards' class with their "I'm THAT Kid!" t-shirts.

Pie-throwing wrapped up a delightful Jog-A-Thon with Ms. Phipps, Mr. May, Ms. Jensen, Ms. Boradori, and Mr. Thatcher on the receiving end.

Sophia Faith, Jesse, Gillian, and Payton in Ms. Coebergh's class conduct controlled trials of a motion experiment.

Swinging good times at recess.

Sofie, Justin, and Shaqed enjoying Rosetta Stone.

Thank You For Supporting Fall Festivities

Karen and Teah enjoying the third grade Halloween party (Brown-Tiffany); Phipps's Homeroom Pumpkin Decorating

Thank you to all of our room parents and volunteers for creating such fun, engaging fall festivities! Our school is a community, and activities like this help create a culture of connection for our Leopards. Thank you.

Accessing Supplemental Math Resources

Hadley and Helena show off their latest Reflex Math certificates.

Through the generosity of the Lakeview PTSA, we are able to provide a number of supplemental math programs to our students at Lakeview, including IXL, Reflex Math, and Zeno Math. If you have not already accessed these programs, we would invite you to click below to learn more about them.

Bullying vs. Conflict

At Lakeview we strive to Work Hard, Be Kind, and Be Safe every day. As you can imagine, in a given school day with 500+ students there are occasional conflicts that arise. We work with students to understand how to respond appropriately to disagreement and frustration, whether those conflicts occur in the lunchroom, the classroom, or the playground.

Izzy Celebrating sophia's drawing in ms. COghlan's class

In the LWSD we define bullying as:

"Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school age children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Bullying can occur during or after school hours. It also happens on the playground or the bus, travelling to and from school, in the youth’s neighborhood, or on the Internet."

Repetition and power imbalance are defining characteristics of bullying, whereas conflict typically involves inadvertent or unplanned words or actions. Both need to be resolved and are taken seriously, but it is important when we talk with students to help them distinguish between the two.

One of the most important steps you can take as a family in supporting your student is ask them about bullying and listen to what they have to say. Below are some questions from you can use to begin this conversation with your student:

  1. What does "bullying" mean to you?
  2. Describe what kids who bully are like. Why do you think people bully?
  3. Who are the adults you trust most when it comes to things like bullying?
  4. Have you ever felt scared to go to school because you were afraid of bullying? What ways have you tried to change it?
  5. What do you think parents can do to help stop bullying?
  6. Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
  7. What do you usually do when you see bullying going on?
  8. Do you ever see kids at your school being bullied by other kids? How does it make you feel?
  9. Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?

Vacations Absences

Staff dressed up for secret spirit week

As we get closer to the holiday season, below is a friendly reminder from the Lakeview Handbook:

Family vacations are special times, but we ask that you please consult the school calendar when making your vacation plans. Student achievement and classroom attendance are positively related. We cannot duplicate what happens in the classroom by only making up written work. Often written work is practice or an extension of what is taught and discussed during the lesson in class.
Those assignments that can be completed outside the classroom environment will be accumulated and saved by the teacher for your student. The student will complete them upon their return, at home with parental assistance. Although every effort will be made to see that your child gains the needed learning, teachers are not required to assemble packets for such absences. Teachers are not expected to create additional assignments or remedial instruction for students who miss school as a result of vacation scheduled during school time.

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