Dumplings with poppy Stela simonovÁ


2 cups warm milk

1 Tbsp active dry yeast

1/2 cup granulated sugar

6 cups all-purpose flour, (divided into 1 cup and 5 cups)

3 large eggs

1 and 1/2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted

1 tsp salt

1 egg, beaten for egg wash


1. In the bowl add 2 cups warm milk and sprinkle with 1 Tbsp yeast. Let sit 5-7 min.

Tbsp- tablespoon

2. Add 1 cup flour and 1/4 cup sugar. Mix it together and let it rise.

3. Add 3 eggs, remaining 1/4 cup sugar, 1.5 Tbsp melted butter and 1 tsp salt. Mix it together.

tsp- tea spoon

4. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm 100˚ oven for 1 hour.

5. Cut the duogh into 2 same pieces. Working with one piece, roll dough into a large circle. Cut out circles using a drinking glass or small bowl.

6. Place 1 tsp of popyseed filling into the center of each round. Pinch two ends together. Fold the two corners up and place them on the sheet.

7. Let the dumplings rise in a warm 100˚F oven for 20 minutes until they look puffy. Beat 1 egg and brush the tops of the puffy piroshki. Bake at 360˚F for 18-20 minutes.

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