Human Trafficking Child soldiering

Human trafficking is an organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited (as by being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor).
Child Soldiering is a form of human trafficking that takes children or teenagers and forces them to be a soldier.
People recruit their victims by kidnapping, force, fraud, or coercion. People who become a victim are either 18 years of age or less.
Thousands upon thousands of children are killed every year as a direct result of conflict by blunt trauma, bullets, bombs, landmines, machetes, and grenades. It's like being deprived in an early age.
The countries that have child soldiering are Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Mali, Pakistan, Thailand, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The national government has a law that child soldiering is not allowed in.
Human trafficking breaks the human right to life, rest and leisure ,slavery, and torture.
Norman Okello was 12 when he was abducted. When Norman and his father was sneaking through the rice field, five soldiers surrounded them. Norman was separated from his father. After two years after his abduction, Norman and the other new comers were forced to kill an innocent man. Norman felt part of the rebels. Norman escaped by turning himself in to the Ughandin Forces. Today, Norman is a happily married father of two kids and he still fears someone would come and abduct him.
The Catholic Church says that human trafficking is a infamy and it constitutes a major offense against human rights since it violates Catholic teaching and disrespects the life and dignity of a human
We can help child soldiers by praying that they get through these rough times in their lives. We ask everyone to spread the word and end child soldiering.,,,,,,
Made by: Zach, Kevin, Alex, Luis, Jonathan
Created with images by beba - "leaves green shadow play"

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