Newsletter January 2016

First transnational meeting in Spain

The first transnational meeting was carried out in Valencia in Spain.

This is the main building of coordinator's school in Godella, Valencia.

The roll-up which contains the project's logo and the names of participated countries was placed in the school entrance.

One of the activities of this meeting was work meeting focused on project organization (roles and responsibilities, schedule for the following 20 months, twinspace organization and communication etc.).

We took part in robotics programming course.

The open robotics lessons were very interesting and inspiring for us.

There were used CLIL and P2P methods in these lessons.

After robotics and programming course we tried to do brainstorming for possible missions and standarts quality.

Finally we agreed on a plan and design of the mat (canva) for the first students' mission.

There are some members of whole project's team from Spain, Slovakia, Turkey, Greece and Poland.

The students project's activities in January


The first lesson of programming. Girls started to study the names of some robot's parts and commands which are useful and necessary for robot's movement.
After buying tables project's students began to programme very simple robot's movement without using sensors.
... and simple rotation and turning.....

We talked and discussed with our students about tutorials, that they will prepare, and about sharing their programming problems, experiences ... to their classmates from another countries through forumsĀ on Twinspace.

We uploaded an article about first transnational meeting on our school website


Students programmed robot to follow a line

and programmed robots for transporting an object

First transnational meeting Facebook publishing


In Polish school they bought 3 sets of Lego Mindstorms and 3 maneuvering tops for the robots

Students started building the robots

after tha they enjoyed two week winter break


New Year, new robots, new tables...

... and spending time on twinspace

article to the local newspaper's web page


There was a semester break in Turkey so they did not any chance for working with students, but students studied at their home and watched some new tutorials about their missions

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