Parental Controls Sallie Warnecke, ed tech, canyons school district

Parental controls are more necessary now than ever before. With many of our children using electronic devices, there are more ways that predators can get to our kids. It is not only our right to protect our children, but our responsibility.

"Even if you've talked to your kids about screen-time limits and responsible online behavior it's still really tough to manage what they do when you're not there (and even when you are)."

"Apart from running up a heavy bill in app and game purchases, this means your children may also be at risk from online predators and adult content."

"The online safety of your family is very important, and Xbox takes this seriously."

"Top Ten Reviews Gold Award winner Net Nanny offers the perfect combination of tools to protect your children online. Unlike so much parental control software you'll find, this application is simple and easy to use, offering peace of mind with a relatively gentle learning curve. - "

"It's not simply that danger is everywhere in the mobile age. It's that everywhere never goes to sleep or stops demanding our attention."

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Created with images by Unsplash - "blogger cellphone office" • hurk - "iphone 6 apple ios" • hurk - "iphone 6 apple ios" • insidious_plots - "Wesley and his PSP" • gitsul. - "@nickelpickelthegreat is sporting the @mattyraymusic iPhone case at school today. It's what all the cool kids are using these days. #plasticbaggie"

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