From Above Natures Canvas

Sometimes what we may take for granted while standing on the ground takes on the most amazing appearance once you are up above them...

The colours are so vibrant that it's hard to believe...

The images here were shot from approximately 2000ft from a Cessna 182.

These views are constantly changing so if flying the following week the canvas will be totally different.

The images look like they should belong to something other worldly rather than 20 minutes from Perth in Western Australia...
Taken with the Sigma Quattro DP2

Our perspective is totally altered when looking straight down...

An evening of tennis
Cricket practise
A simple carpark looks like an abstract painting...
Elizabeth Quay, Perth, Western Australia
Elizabeth Quay, Perth, Western Australia
Elizabeth Quay, Perth, Western Australia
Created By
Mark Griffin
Mark Griffin & Jacaranda Photography 2016

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