Botanical Treasures Tea salon

Join us for an exploration of botanical treasures.

Each salon will feature one species that grows on Kauai and look at the botanical features for identification, interesting chemical constituents, culinary and medicinal benefits and the source and history of use.

Clitoria Ternatea

Our feature plant will be Clitoria ternatea known as Butterfly Pea. We will be sampling this special blue tinsane that has many medicinal uses and also a unique magical quality!

We will have a sampling of food and drink made with the Clitoria flower. As well as tea for purchase.

We will begin with a slide show, tasting and lead into salon discussion. There will be opportunities to add your knowledge, growing experience and research to the conversation. You may be encouraged to lead a future plant profile.

You are invited to attend our Tea Salon on Wednesday, May 25th

Space is limited!! RSVP to reserve your spot below.

6-8PM at private house Kilauea

Donations gratefully accepted at the event.

The luxurious venue for this Tea Salon.

Future Salon Topics...

Turkey Tail Mushrooms, Blue Lily, Nutmeg, Tea and Vanilla.
Created By
Tammy Davis

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