the frosting freak by kaci muromoto period 2


This project is my "choice project". We came up with our own ideas of problems that we faced and had to design a working prototype to help solve that problem. On my free time, I enjoy baking cupcakes. Most times, when I try to frost cupcakes, the frosting is very messy and it doesn't look very nice. My solution for this problem was to create a tool to help make frosting cupcakes easier. So, I created the frosting freak, a cup designed to hold the cupcake in place, with an adjustable top, to make frosting easier.


  • Every time that I would frost my cupcakes, there would be a big mess, and the presentation would not be very pleasing .
  • I wanted to create a product that will make frosting cupcakes easier, faster, and neater.


  • what I'd like my cupcakes to look like vs what it looks like


empathy: summarize the information given from the interview or understand the users needs

  • I asked four people I know who baked questions such as:
  • Do you endure any messes when you bake/frost?
  • 3/4 said they did


  • I had to come up with a "how might I" sentence for this step
  • How might I create a tool that makes frosting cupcakes easier, faster, or neater?


itdeate: to come up with ideas that will help create you product

  • I came up with 4 different ways to build my prototype
  • A materials list

Prototype #1

prototype: the first build of you product

  • Made out of styrofoam
  • no designs
  • unstable
  • easily breakable
  • bendable


  • make my prototype more fashionable
  • neater
  • out of plastic, or something eco-friendly
  • make a cover to transport individual cupcakes
  • Sixth graders said to use metal or glass

Second prototype

  • made out of plastic
  • nicer than first prototype
  • getting closer to the final prototype

Final prototype!

  • made out of tinkercad
  • 3D printed, evenly made
  • reusable


  • first prototype made out of styrofoam, not nicely made, broken
  • second prototype made out of plastic, nicely made, ribbon added on to make it look nice.
  • final prototype 3D printed, smooth, very nicely made

Iteration questions

  • from the feedback, my prototype had gotten way rbetter and started with styrofoam, then to plastic, then to the 3D printed object

What process did you go through to get to the final prototype?

  • to get to the final prototype, I had to go on to tinkercad and spent a day trying to make sure that my prototype would come out nicely.

What challenges did you go through to get to your final prototype?

  • Some challenges I ran into were: I had a hard time making sure that the edges were smooth enough. Also, I had dropped my final prototype, and it had broke.

what are things you learned during this process?

  • Some things I learned during this process are: working with plastic is very hard, and you need strong scissors. Also, you need to take your time and be careful

something down the road

  • making different sized cups for bigger or mini cupcakes
thanks for watching 💗
Created with images by Vegan Feast Catering - "Bumpkin Pumpkin Spice Cupcake with Tofutti Frosting" • mahr - "Smeared Cupcakes" • Fimb - "Cupcakes" • Elizabeth/Table4Five - "Cupcakes at the Sesame Street Suite" • Tarmtott - "cupcake muffin muffins" • skyepeale - "Jamaica-In-California" • cogdogblog - "Got Feedback?" • fancycrave1 - "creativity idea inspiration" • Zak Greant - "broken" • JeepersMedia - "Cake Sized HUGE CupCakes! Spotted by Mike Mozart at Price Chopper Stores!"

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