Simon and Garfunkel GRC history of Rock

American born songwriting duo. Met in Queens, New York in the 50's

Originally performed under the name Tom and Jerry.

The Everly Brothers were one of their biggest influences.

Broke up in late 50's. Paul Simon failed at a solo career. Reformed as Simon and Garfunkel under a new record label.

Their First Album together under their new name sold poorly. The duo broke up again.

After restarting his solo career in England, Paul Simon's song the Sound of Silence found new success, reaching number 1 in the US.

The duo reformed, released a new album, The Sound of Silence, and began touring college campuses.

Their 3rd album - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme - found more success. The duo had more creative control over the album's content. Music from the album was featured in the movie The Graduate, an extremely popular film from the late 60's that helped provide wider exposure for the group.

This led to their 4th album, Bookends, which included Mrs. Robinson, a number 1 hit.

Their fifth and final album, Bridge over Troubled Water, was an international and domestic sensation.

  • Described as the most successful rock duo of the 60's
  • Winner of 10 Grammy Awards
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee in 1990

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