Tagetik Magazine issue 6 is now available for download

This issue will bring you up to date on all the latest Tagetik news and includes new blog posts from Manuel Vellutini and Marco Pierallini, updates on Tagetik eBooks and a couple of new takes on Tagetik software

Read the latest reviews, compare client's user experiences, check out screenshots and get the latest updates on Tagetik Magazine issue 6, available for free on App Store (for iPhone and iPad) and on Google Play (for Android)

The Tagetik Magazine Kiosk now features not only the latest issue but also all back issues available together

Every issue is an invitation to an exciting journey through the best that Italy, and the world beyond, has to offer - from interviews with high-profile performers to well-kept secrets yet to discover, from artisanal crafts made with time-honoured traditions to the latest technological innovations.

We hope you enjoy Tagetik Magazine, and welcome you to share it with your peers

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