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What's new for March?

Our 70th Anniversary Series Continues!

COFCO: 1946 - 2016

David Einstein's Dream Part 2

A horse blanket, an airplane propeller, a Vornado fan and a "Government Spec" piece of office furniture...

David's Dream Part 2

David Einstein, founder of COFCO, was the quintessential American Entrepreneur seeing and seizing opportunities. Read about how he began COFCO in Part Two of David's story:

Joan Waters

"Love what you do!" encourages Joan Waters, CEO of COFCO. "If you don't love what you do, go find something that you do love."

1950's chic to 2016 style


It's the 1950's and it's the robust, yet oh so sleek, Allsteel 6000 line that had us swooning

And do you see that enormous filing cabinet? Solid furniture and tons of paperwork kept us anchored!

Imagine what these items weighed!
The Allsteel Executive Posture Chair - no more hard wooden seats for Mr. Executive... no siree! Style and comfort meet for the first time!


It's 2016 and work spaces have never looked so good...

Flexible, responsive design that can morph into what you need, when you need it. Elegant storage solutions that take care of any paperwork (yes, we do still have some paperwork!)


Optimize. Relate. Involve.

by Allsteel

If there's one word to describe today's office furniture, it's 'responsive'

work smarter


OPTIMIZE by Allsteel
RELATE WORK by Allsteel
RELATE SIDE by Allsteel
INVOLVE by Allsteel

Thank you for engaging with us!

Join us again next month for the next installment of David's story. In the meantime, we'd love you to engage with us. Here are some ways to do that:

Created By
Jackie Cooper

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