Salida By Sophie

The mining town, Salida, became a well known mining town in 1880.

The population currently is about 5,494 people.

The peak population of Salida is 5,504 people.

Salida is an active mining town.

The elevation of Salida is 7,080 feet.

In Salida some of the mines are: Wonder Lode Mine, Stockton Mine, Stewart Mine, Sedalia Mine, And Many More

In Salida the primary mineral mined is gold.


Salida was first named South Arkansas.

The population in 1880 had grown to 300 people.

Salida burned twice, once in 1886 and once in 1888.

Salida is located in Colorado.

Map of Salida, Colorado.

In Conclusion, Salida has a lot of mines, heaps of gold, it has a pretty small population, and is located in Colorado.

Created by Sophie

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