Rolled Paint Inspiration Explored


In Photoshop, open a background paper. Load the Rolled Paint brush set. Choose a coordinating color, one of the brushes and stamp it on a new layer. Duplicate the layer, rotate and move each layer to a pleasing position. Try changing the blend mode for additional effects or using a different brush.

Click on the links below to find each of the products used in this layout.


Start with a solid background layer. Using the pngs files, add these as additional layers. Create different solid colored layers above each. To create a clipping mask between the rolled paint layer and the colored layer above it, select the color layer, In the menu bar choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask. Reposition paint layers as desired. Save paper as a jpeg.

Click the link below to access this product.
Make Clipping Masks with Papers


Combine 2 papers for another look to extend the use of your digital kits. Clip the same light colored paper to two separate png files. Move or enlarge as needed.

Click the links below to access these products.
Click the link below to get Rolled Paint!
Created By
Roxi Hardegree

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