FAIR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION Code of ethics for Häme University of Applied Sciences ltd

Our fair-minded higher education institution is comprised of the students and staff of Häme University of Applied Sciences and Häme Vocational Institute.

Important to us are innovativeness, our customers, mutual respect and esteem, learning together and achieving results. We aim to work in a reliable and open manner.

1. I will be objective, fair, honest and willing to develop myself when performing my duties.

Staff: I will tolerate differences in human beings and will respect them. I will respect different opinions and I am ready to revise and justify my own opinions. I am ready to learn new things that will develop myself and my work community. In my own community, I will be a good example of a professional expert.

Students: I will tolerate differences in human beings and will respect them. I will respect different opinions and I am ready to revise and justify my own opinions. I will be honest. I will not cheat or present copied texts as my own.

2. I am personally responsible for the wellbeing of the work and study community, the meaningfulness of the work performed, and sense of confidentiality established.

Staff: I will support my colleagues, I will intervene boldly and constructively in problems I notice, I will not approve of inappropriate behavior or bullying. I will create a trustful and open atmosphere in my work community.

Students: I will take care of myself and my ability to study. I will support my stu- dent friends, I will intervene boldly and constructively in problems I notice, I will not approve of bullying. I will create a positive atmosphere in my study community.

3. I will observe the ethical principles of my profession and the legislation, rules and guidelines governing my work.

Staff: In my work, I will respect the ethical guidelines of my profession. I am familiar with the rules governing my work and the guidelines and other rules and regulations of HAMK and I will observe them in my own work. I will follow the development of my own field. I will behave properly.

Students: I will follow good practice and abide by Finnish law. I am familiar with the rules and regulations governing my studies. As a student, I know my own rights and duties. I will take care of the progress of my studies.

4. I will improve know-how and wellbeing in our region.

Staff: I will strive to actively enhance the wellbeing of our region by creating and developing networks.

Students: Through my studies I will gain professional knowledge and skills and grow as a person.

5. I will promote environmentally responsible activities in my own duties and in those of interest groups.

Staff: In my every day work, I will con- serve natural resources. I will think about today’s economic situation and productivity in regard to global sustainable development.

Students: I will act economically and ecologically. I will implement these principles in my studies and daily life.

6. I will act in an economic way and will look towards the future.

Staff: I will encourage students to graduate in time. I will produce and support education to prepare students to meet both national and international societies and to create their own future as an employee or an entrepreneur.

Students: During my studies I will take into account the employment prospects both in Finland and abroad.

Created By
HAMK ammattikorkeakoulu

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