Seed Spitter By Kolby fujii


I came up with my first because it's hard to carry multiple things at once. I made an object where there was a place for a snack drink and dipping sauce. I changed your idea because it was too similar to a similar object so I changed my idea to a seed spitter and the problem I was trying to solve was to clean up sunflower seed trash at baseball parks. So I made an object where there is a place to pour seeds in your mouth and a place to spit so there will be no sunflower seed trash on the ground at parks.


First is empathy and I interviewed three people to better understand the users needs. I asked them if it was difficult to carry multiple things at once and how to solve that problem. They all said it was difficult to carry multiple things at once and that I should make a 3 objects in 1.


Next is define and that's when we creat a how might I sentence and my sentence was how might I create an object that can hold three objects in one.


After that is Ideate and that's when we list a few different ways to construct our product. These were a few of my different designs and I desided to go with the one on the right.


After Ideate comes the prototype #1 and that's when we put all our ideas together and I constructed a cup with three compartments one for a drink, another for a snack, and one more for a dipping sauce. I used a straw, plastic cup, and a ziplock container to construct my product.


Next is Feedback and that's when our peers give us positive and helpful feedback. The feedback I got was that my product was very similar to another existing product. So I thought that I would change my idea to a product called the seed spitter and it was made to clean up baseball parks from sunflower seed trash.


Next iteration and what I wanted to do was create a cup with a place to hold the seeds and a place to spit and a place to be able to pour out the seeds. The process to get to the final prototype was long but saves a lot of time actually building the prototype. Also a challenge that I ran into was designing and making it neat. I learned to be very efficient and have good time management to have project done before deadline not on deadline.

Final Prototype

I thought that that prototype was not the greatest to I wanted to 3D print my prototype for my final to make it more neat. This meets the users needs because there is a place to spit your sunflower seeds instead of making trash on the ground and that will keep sunflower seed trash out of baseball parks.

Iteration Photos

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