Chair Zhi Z.

Where did all the chairs go?

Where do you want to sit?

Where can we sit?

The issue I am addressing is seating areas in hallways. The lack of it.

My vision for this project is to create new hangout areas further away from teaching classrooms for anyone to enjoy themselves whenever the opportunity arises by mass producing the chairs if people like them.

The chairs would be placed around the IMC allow students to enjoy themselves without being too close to classes still in session to be annoying.

As a bonus: they're right next to the IMC, so they can go to and fro whenever they please.

The design of the chair is to bring the person sitting on it to a comfortable position due to the chair's intentional design of imitating the angles a person would be in whilst in the fetal position.

We all were in this position in the womb where we felt safest (not that you would have known anyway) So it's natural for us to feel most comfortable to revert to this position - letting your subconscious feel the same security and comfort it once felt.

Created By
Zhi Z

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