pork - sage -bacon pork loin roasted wIth sage wrapped in bacon

a simple, yet elegant dish that will help you impress family and friends
succulent pork fillet layered with fresh sage leaves wrapped in crispy streaky bacon
lay strips of streaky bacon on a board with long sides overlapping, enough to fit the piece of pork
place the pork on top of the bacon and season well with cracked black pepper
add fresh sage leaves on top of the pork
begin on one end, wrap each piece of bacon over the pork, alternating sides to give a crisis cross effect ensuring all the pork is covered
tuck in any loose pieces of bacon,if needed, place on a baking tray and your ready to roast in the oven fan 180c for 35-40 minutes until internal temperature is 70c
photos by Lost in Food, please do not use without permission

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