UofN Empowering asia

Over 70 missionaries met in India for a week long training event for the UofN in January. We met with each other, waited on God and reconnected with what God has been doing in this region of the world through so many faithful people dedicated to discipling through the University of the Nations.

We all had words of encouragement, verses or prayers to complete our fellowship with God and with one another.

It was wonderful to hear from so many who serve faithfully in the region as we taught, worshiped and interceded together for all that God was doing. We began with laying down what we were carrying so we could receive anew from God.

Worship together
Sharing what God was saying to us during intercession
Tom Bloomer, the Provost for the University of the Nations, shared the heart of the UofN
Liz Cochrane and Jose Joseph shared about the growth of the UofN in the region and the excitement we have for the future
During the week God met with us in rich worship
We ran workshops, explained how to register and run schools and discussed degrees in the UofN

Many battles have been fought in the region spiritually and God was saying that wounded warriors needed to come back to find rest, receive healing and dream again of the future. We enjoyed celebrating together and God did a deep work in dealing with the affects of the caste system and educational wounding in many.

Empowering UofN in Asia

We may battle as warriors, but God calls us to come home to Him as sons and daughters. There was much to celebrate culturally too.

We were all honoured with Indian hospitality. And shared in a Love Feast.
Tom shared a final word about a crystal bowl filled with the tears of the saints, prayers and the many students he has entrusted us with in Asia

We started the week laying down what we were carrying at God's feet and then ended the week with the knowledge that just as we trusted God at the start he was now entrusting us for the future with the ongoing work of YWAM and the UofN in Asia. We are excited to see how God will bring growth to His work in this region of the world.

Find out more about the University of the Nations, an international training institution with 600 locations on all continents and in 160 nations.
Created By
Aleck Cartwright

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