Grasmere landslip increases flood risk rubble and trouble in the watercourses

The aquaduct covered in rubble & silt
Massive boulders smash into the wooden slats protecting the aquaduct, rubble and silt cascades over the top and is carried further downstream

Footbridges are washed away

Flood defences are casually swept aside and huge blocks washed away, every bend in the normally tame river suffers damage in the torrent.

The downstream damage leads to serious flooding

Tons of rubble fills the river beds, causing major flooding & property damage. Attempts made to dig it out, but the river bed now is much higher. Capacity lost.

The silt & debris can be seen in every river, culvert & drain as the water gets to the Lake.

Bridges form bottlenecks as the river bed height increases

Capacity is lost

The fields flood as the drains underneath silt up
The finer debris blocks the watercourses vital to getting this water into the main River Rothay
Rivers start to form on paths as the water finds its way home
The debris in the river erodes walls on river bank

Flood defences need repairing & extending

The Rothay is still flowing, but there's water everywhere and Stock Lane floods.

This is now far away from the landslip, but the debris clogs the channel, its main route into the lake. Stock Lane bridge area floods first. It just can't carry the water away as it is too silted up.

The outflow of the Rothay into Grasmere lake is filled with rubble & silt causing flooding upstream

With less rain than normal in a Lakeland day, Grasmere floods once again because its watercourses have not been cleaned out after the landslips caused by Desmond

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