Anne Frank Dane YAsumura - Period 2

Exploring Anne's Amsterdam

The Secret Annex

The Serect Annex is where Anne Frank's father Otto Frank moved the Frank family into hiding during the holocaust. The Frank famlily was hiding in the Annex for two years. The annex was next totheir old buisness. It consisted of three floors. Eventually the Franks were caught by the Nazi's

Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

After the Franks were captured, they were brought to concentration and death camps. Anne ended up at Bergen Belsen concentration camp. Anne Frank eventually died at Bergan Belsen. No one knows where she is buried.


Propaganda is like trash talking in sports, but more political. It is used to make opponents look bad in front of other people. For example, during World War 2 the propaganda that we used was directed and the Japanese and Hitler. Propaganda can be in the form of a video, audio, or in pictures. Some of the propaganda that America used was to help recruit soldiers for the war. Propaganda was used to gain followers. For example, America used propaganda to gain the loyalty of its citizens.

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