Kenya with The Trumps #8 A Reporting Series on Visiting Missionaries

Tuesday visiting with Lutheran Hour Ministries - Kenya.

Shauen and I met with John Maina, the Director of Nuru, the Lutheran Hour Ministries project in Kenya.

Shauen departed and I spent some time with John learning about his ministries in Kenya. His evangelism teams come along side churches and mission groups to help spread the Gospel, often in remote places.

I even had the chance to do some brainstorming with him and think about where his ministries are headed and how LHM back home could help.

It was a few blocks to the China Center - a mall like building that is owned by the Chinese but not very active in commerce anymore.

Then it was time to dine.

No utensils.. Which is awesome! (Because there was a wash sink a few feet away.)

He laughed because I didn't eat all of the fish...I thought I did great! It was awesome: tilapia from Lake Victoria.

The best part of meals like this in Kenya, work lunches, the conversation never ends and the meal extends as long as you need. It really was great.

Nuru means light in Swahili.

Then it was back to the office to meet with their radio drama group. LHM in Kenya is getting on the airways by producing radio shows that present Bible stories and short discussions in a dramatic way that allows secular radio station to pick them up. I listened to them, gave them some presentation & writing tips, and encouraged them in their work. What a talented group of passionate Christians doing what they can to spread the Gospel in Kenya.

Then back to the Trumps for dinner and good times. Here are some random images from my drive home through Nairobi.

. Till tomorrow...

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