Where I ride... The wisconsin driftless area...

Where I ride my motorcycle… you will see the Wisconsin Driftless Area. You don’t have to look for it. You will know when you get there. It will be all around you...

The southern-edge of the Driftless Area is less than an hour motorcycle ride from my home, and is one of my favorite areas to ride in the Upper-Midwest. As I ride north-northwest to the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers, the hills gradually become more defined and frequent with each mile. Then all at once the hills and river-bluffs, suddenly, become much taller, steeper; and sprawled in every direction. You will then know you have arrived.

Driftless Area

There are twenty-thousand fantastic square miles in the southwest corner of Wisconsin filled with hills, valleys, river-bluffs, and rock outcroppings untouched by the last glacial period occurring 10,000 years ago. A beautiful sight in the Midwest, not widely known to many.

Tucked in the middle of Wisconsin’s Driftless Area is 2,000 square miles of the Kickapoo River Valley; which seemed to have allowed time to pass it by; having no town with more than 1,000 people.

At the base of these hills, thousands of cold-water springs form hundreds of the most perfect trout streams meandering throughout the valleys. In fact, a good portion of the 2,989 trout streams in Wisconsin are in this area.

Trout streams in the valleys

For a motorcyclist, the Driftless Area provides mile after mile of twisting, turning, climbing, and descending roads winding their way through the hills and valleys; making it a destination ride for thousands of riders.

On any weekend of the season, you will see hundreds of motorcycles of all types riding the roads, or stopped at the various restaurants, watering holes, parks, and sights. The people living in the area are very cooperative, and accepting of motorcycles. They understand why you are there.

Surprisingly, few people from the bordering states of Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota have discovered the beauty of the Driftless Area, or participated in its long list of outdoor activities. Even many Wisconsinites have not traveled to this area; which is a mystery to me. However, quite frankly, this is fine with me.

Wisconsin River Valley

After a few days in the Driftless Area, your body clock unwinds, allowing the outside world to dissipate from your thoughts.

I will add more on upcoming posts about the many sights, history, people, and activities in the Driftless Area; which make it one of my favorite places to ride in the Upper-Midwest.

Created by Greg Wilson

For anyone wanting information for travel or activity ideas in the area; just let me know, and I will help you as much as possible.

Some data and images were provided or referenced through the following links.

Created By
Gregory Wilson
Photographs are from various resources, to include myself, and are exclusively of the Wisconsin Driftless Area.

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