Playing with Flash The emotional ball

In this skills activity you will create a bouncing ball with a squash and stretch, and pacing affected by gravity. You will then learn about making symbols and using the transform tool to alter shapes by creating a few flickering candles. You will then create a VERY short expressive animation that is the story of a ball doing what it does best, bouncing and perhaps, rolling.

After you have created a bouncing ball and the flame animations, please show them to your teacher or export them to video to show them at a later time. If you have done these two exercises proceed straight to the creative challenge.

Creative Challenge

Create a very short (30-60 second) animation that shows a ball showing emotion through it's movement and expression (if you include a face). I have done more research and if you are using tweening to create your animation and you are using a face, it is easier if each feature is on a separate layer, that is one for the eyes, one for the mouth. That is what I have found. If you finish this section please go on to the Me in 2050 research in the link below.

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