#pictureAdvent Join christians around the world as we celebrate advent.

How do you #pictureAdvent?

Join Christians around the world as we all celebrate Advent, the season when we prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the coming of Christ!

This year, let's be sure we don't rush through this special season straight to Christmas. Advent is a special time, and we want to help you make it a special experience for yourself, your family, and your church. Here are a few ways to make this Advent season one to remember:

#pictureAdvent Photo-a-Day

First, we want to share our Advent celebration with all our friends and family, so we're inviting you to use each day's theme to inspire a daily photo. Post each day with the theme and #pictureAdvent so we can all be inspired together!

How to get started:

1. Go to http://lecfamily.org/advent to get the #PictureAdvent photo challenge.

2. There are bible readings for every day, beginning November 29, and a word for the day.

3. For each word of the day, find something around you that you think represents that word or idea. Then, take a picture of it!

4. Save that picture digitally, then:

-Email your photo to the church office. We will share some of the best ones (we can't share all of them!)

-Post it to the church's Facebook page (Palm Valley Lutheran Church)

-Post it on YOUR Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account, with the hashtag #PictureAdvent

5. Have fun and be creative with your photo ideas. You might find something humorous or quirky that fits your word. That's just as fine as something that is deep and thoughtful.

6. Invite your friends and family to join in the fun!

There is also a sign-up on the link where you can receive daily devotions if you wish. Just another way to get into the season.

We hope that this helps you and your family pull back from the hectic pace of the season and into the wonderful anticipation that Advent inspires in us. May this project be a blessing this year, and for years to come!

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