Rams moving to Los Angeles by devesh Kumar

"If they're going to stay together, it doesn't really matter. Where they go as long as how they play."—Kynsee Fennel, freshman

“I am happy about it. I think it was a smart move for them to move to LA. St. Louis as a city did not hold up to their promise of building a better stadium for the Rams so the owner of the Rams had no choice but to move to LA where he bought that land and can fulfill his stadium needs.”—Sydney Maly, senior

“It kinda sucks. I grew up watching them as a youth. Its pretty sad. I hate the Chiefs so I’m not going to cheer for them and now I have no one to cheer for.”—Alex Hake, junior

“I am not a Rams fan so I am not biased a lot. I think that it is good for the Rams because now they will actually have a legitimate fan base instead of just kinda suffering the consequences of performing badly and not having a large base to support them.”—David Feng, senior

Associated Press, Devesh Kumar

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