What is the scariest moment of your life?

"When I was ten, I thought my house was getting robbed. I was home alone while my parents were in Mexico and my babysitter was staying with me, my sister and my brother. It was about noon and I was watching Spongebob and I heard some noises in the room next to me."

Nick Barnes, junior

"Me and my friends were playing outside and these two guys got into a fight. The police came in this big car and we all ran. The police chased us down the street for about two hours"

Martez Manuel, freshman

The scariest moment of my life is when I figured out the results for getting accepted to college. I got accepted to Purdue and University of Illinois Champagne, but I haven't decided which one I will go to."

Jimin Lee, senior

"I would say when I was younger and there was a bike in the bathroom and my sister got her hand stuck in the bike and she kept turning the gears. She ended up getting a lot of stitches and at the time, I thought her arm was going to be chopped off."

Jae Powell, sophomore

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