Sexual Violence If you have been hurt, you are not alone.

Incidence and Prevalence of Sexual Violence

Every 2 minutes, an American is sexually assaulted. (
Each year, there are about 237,868 victims of sexual assault. (
Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault. (
Almost half of adult women with disabilities report that they were sexually abused as children. Thirty percent of graduate students in helping professions are thought to be survivors of trauma including sexual assault. (Adams & Riggs, 2008).
Women aged 15-44 are more at risk from rape and domestic violence than from cancer, car accidents, war and malaria, according to World Bank data.
One in six men is sexually abused before the age of 16. (France, 2008).
About 3% of American men - or 1 in 33 - have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
2.78 million men in the US have been victims of sexual assault or rape (
Between 300,000 and 400,000 U.S. children are victims of the sex trade each year, from juvenile pornography and street prostitution to selling sex at school (Estes, 2003).
Four of every 10 children in America say they experienced a physical assault during the past year, with one in ten receiving an assault-related injury (JAMA Pediatrics, 2013).
Two percent of all children experienced sexual assault or sexual abuse during the past year, with the rate at nearly 11 percent for girls aged 14 to 17 (JAMA Pediatrics, 2013).
Over 10 million Americans have been victims of incest (National Center for Victims of Crime, 1997).

43% of children who are abused are abused by family members.

33% are abused by someone they know.

24% are sexually abused by strangers (Hayes, 1990).

  • Hayes, R. (1990). "Child Sexual Abuse." Crime Prevention Journal.
  • JAMA Pediatrics (2013). Retrieved from percent20PED percent20childhood percent20exposure percent20to percent20violence. Pdf
  • Estes, Richard. (2003). The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S, Canada, & Mexico. Center for the Study of Youth Policy. University of Pennsylvania.
  • France, D (2008). Love among the ruins, The Oprah Magazine, October issue.
  • Webb, T. Abuse of the Disabled: Violence against Women with Disabilities. Working Against Violence in Our Community.



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