Composition Azulox workshop

“Composition should be a constant of preoccupation, being a simultaneous coalition – an organic coordination of visual elements.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson

Perspective, Point of View

Side view
Directly Below
From a Distance
Up Close
Overhead - Observer
Close-Up - Intimate Participant
Participant's POV
Forced Perspective
Low Angle - Accentuating Diminishing Perspective

“Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk.” - Edward Weston

Frame: Using Elements

Tree Canopy Frame
Architectural Frame
Bush, Tree Branch Push Inward
Tree Branch Stops Movement
Interior Frame
Dominant Frame - Pattern Breaking
Perspective, Framing, Exclusion, Leading Lines, Motion Blur, Rule of Thirds

“The four most important lines of any image are the ones that are often least recognized consciously – the frame.” - John Paul Caponigro, Illuminating Creativity

Frame: Inclusion/Exclusion

Super Girl
Super Bouncer
Tight Framing to Reducing Negative Space
Include Surrounding Elements

Background, Foreground

Background, Foreground

Foreground Subject Echoed in Background
Visual Interaction of Foreground and Background
Foreground Relies on Background
Foreground Focus, Background Blur
Foreground Blur, Background Focus
Eye lines connecting foreground and background

Focus Blur - Depth of Field

Focus Blur

Singling Out One Person
Detailing One of Many
Isolate a Subject from it's Surroundings
Weather can Diffuse Background for Less Distraction
Recognizable Elements, but Attention on Subject

Guides and Lines

Rule of Thirds

Subject on Line
Subject on Intersection Point
Subject on Line - Moving into Frame
Right and Bottom Third with Interest at Intersection - Dark to Light Contrast

Odds - Contrast

Odd Numbers - Dark to Light Contrast


Patterns, Odd Numbers, Dark to Light Contrast


Fibonacci - Golden Ratio
Fibonacci - Golden Ratio
Fibonacci - Golden Ratio

Leading Lines

Perspective Lines
Perspective Lines
Dotted Lines
Light Lines
Leading Lines - Symmetry



Symmetry, Top to Bottom
Shows Strength and Stability
Simplicity and Balance
Symmetrical Subject

"Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field." - Peter Adams


Balance Through Symmetry
Balance by Offset
Off Balance - Visual Frame
Visual Frame, Point of View, Balance
Off Balance - Humor, Uneasy
Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution. - Ansel Adams

"Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second." - Marc Riboud

photos by Geoff Hammond

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