Anyone can learn to draw

The ability to draw comes from learning specific techniques and methods. For centuries artists have been trained to draw, much like a carpenter or other professsions. These techniques and methods have been proven over centuries to work. We need no more convincing then the artists and the work they produced. A small list might read like this.


Leonardo Michael Angelo. Rafael

Peter Paul Reubens Albrect Durer Velasquez

John singer Sargent. Thomas Akins

These people were not born able to draw, they were taught, and they were taught well. They also studied those that came before them. They did not try to reinvent the wheel.

They learned from those that possessed the knowledge. They then worked hard at practicing what they were taught until they also understood and mastered the techniques and methods.

In the past a person would study under a master as an apprentice, they would learn the skills through instruction, effort and repetition.

Starting by making copies of small drawings they would learn to do this with accuracy before advancing to making drawings from life.

At this stage they learn to draw objects such as plaster casts that don't move and can be measured and scrutinized allowing for extended.observation and learning.

Once this was mastered they would begin to study from life. This meant drawing the human figure. This is how artist learned to draw and paint. They did not acquire the ability magically, they were not sprinkled with fairy dust, nor were they blessed by God any more then the rest of us,

They simply were taught how by people that where knowledgeable and had high expectations of them. They then worked hard at practicing what they were taught until they also understood and mastered the techniques and methods.

If you are tiered of of taking drawing classes that teach you nothing, wasting your time doing blind contour drawing and other useless exercises designed to fill class time and do nothing but shield the instructor and the students from producing anything that can be judged, compared and critiqued.

if you are tired of so called teachers, professors, and instructors, that themselves couldn't explain what a good drawing is, let alone produce one themselves.

If you are tired of the endless books on how to draw cats, or how to draw this or that.

If you are tired of wasting your time and money while continually being disappointed.

Then do as all good artist before you did, get good training from someone that knows the craft

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