Jenga Build'em, stack'em, just don't whack'em!

Picture this, you're in the middle of an intense game of Jenga, you're trying and trying to to keep your hand steady as the sweat runs down your face, you find a block that is loose enough to take out of the crooked tower, and then it happens........ In a blink of an eye, BOOM! The tower is destroyed!

Have you ever been to the National Toy Hall of Fame, located in Rochester NY? Well, if you haven't... It should be on the top of your bucket list. They have a huge variety of toys for all sizes and ages. It's a great way to spend a day out with the family!

Every year the National Toy Hall of Fame inducts 2-3 toys into their exhibit. They choose toys that are of national importance. Searching for the next toy for the Hall of Fame? Search no more, Jenga is the obvious choice!

Jenga should be in the Toy Hall of Fame because it has longevity, icon status , discovery, and , innovation. Jenga is one of the most popular games ever sold and it is the second best selling game in the world only behind Monoploy.

Did you know Jenga has 54 blocks to play the game with or use your creativity to build what you want to build? Jenga was also the first building block game created in history.Jenga was created by Leslie Scott in Ghana where she lived.

The idea of Jenga came to Leslie Scott in 1970. Jenga came to life in the early 1980's. The Hasbro gaming company bought Jenga from Leslie Scott and sold it worldwide. Jenga's break out year wasn't until nearly 5 years later, in 1986.

Jenga builds up Longevity.

Jenga was created in 1982 by a woman named Leslie Scott. She was playing with wooden blocks at her house in Ghana when she came up with the idea. Stacking blocks suddenly became a fun challenge. In 1986, 400,000 games were sold at the Canadian toy fair. Today, Jenga is a high seller. Over 50 million Jenga games have been sold world-wide (that's equal to 2.7 billion Jenga blocks). Jenga has been enjoyed by adults and kids for over 3 generations.

Jenga builds icon-status

There are many reasons why Jenga is widely recognized, respected, and remembered. Jenga is not just know in the United States but all over the world. Jenga is a huge hit in Japan. Jenga is found in a variety of versions such as Kit Kat Jenga, Yankees Jenga, Angry Birds Jenga and many more. Due to its popular icon-status Jenga is on popular television shows such as The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon and Lenord are seen playing giant Jenga.

Jenga builds discovery, learning, and creativity

Jenga promotes learning, creativity, and discovery though play. No two Jenga blocks are cut the same way. The uneven stacking challenges the player to find the loose piece. This teaches players strategic thinking that requires physical and mental skills. Players must have good hand-eye coordination, balance, and patience. Jenga can not be only played as a game but Jenga blocks can be used for fun pulling in creative thinking.

Jenga has been in the top 12 finalists for the Toy Hall of Fame multiple times but hasn't made it. This is THE year. Tap on the link below to vote for Jenga now! Hurry up, time is ticking away.

Created with images by egarc2 - "the Jenga"

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