Anne Frank Portfolio Lizzie Rowen-1st period

Exploring Amsterdam

The Amsterdam Canals

The Amsterdam canals provide a way to travel by boat and were built more than 400 years ago. There are about 165 canals built in Amsterdam. Many homes were built near the canals and can cost up to $1,000,000.

A view of the canals from a boat traveling near many stores and homes.
A pic of some of the special boats that travel down the canals.

The Secret Annex

The Secret Annex was the apartment right next to Otto Frank's business. The family entered through a hidden door behind a bookcase. The apartment was small and had to fit in 8 people. Everyone had to remain quiet during the day and couldn't really get up and move around because of the Nazis walking around outside.

This is the bookcase that hides the door to the Secret Annex.
This is the family Anne grew up with.

The Nuremberg Laws

This chart sorted who was and wasn't Jewish.

Nuremberg Laws

1. Marriage between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent the law. Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the State Prosecutor.

2. Extramarital intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood is forbidden.

3. Jews may not employ in their household female subjects of the state of German o related blood who are under 45 years old.

4. Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or National flag or to display the Reich colors. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.

5. Any person who violates the prohibition under I will be punished by a prison sentence with hard labor. A male who violates the prohibition under I will be punished with a prison sentence with or without hard labor. Any person violating the provisions under III or IV will be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties. The Reich Minister of the Interior, in coordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the Legal and Administrative regulations required to implement and complete the Law. The Law takes effect on the day following promulgations except for III, which goes into force on January 1, 1936. Nuremberg, September 15, 1935 at the Reich Party Congress of Freedom.


In the time of war around the 1930's and 40's, Germany, Russia, Britain, the United States, and Japan waged the war with propaganda. Propaganda is using posters and film to persuade those to favor an idea. At this time, opinions about war were going around. The following pictures might offensive and graphic to some. They represent how other countries wanted their people to think of the war as. These are only shown to provide a view of how war was represented as around the world.


Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born on June 19, 1929 in Frankfurt Germany. She moved to Amsterdam with her family in 1933. She was given her diary up fro her 13th birthday and wrote in it while she was in hiding. The family went into hiding on July 6, 1942 along with a dentist and another family. Everyone was arrested on August 4, 1944. Anne and Margot were taken to Auscwitz and the Bergen Belsen Death camps. Anne died in February, 1945 from a bad fever that was going around.

Anne when she was young and before she went into hiding.

Otto Frank

Otto Frank was born on May 12, 1889 in Frankfurt, Germany. He studied art history in Heidelberg, Geramny in 1908. He went to the military and was later promoted to the rank of army lieutenant. He married Edith Hollander on May 12, 1925. They had their 1st child Margot on on February 16, 1926. They had their 2nd child Anne on JUne 12, 1929. He set up the Pectagon Compnay in 1939. He took his family into hiding in an apartment that was part of his buisness that was hidden behind a bookcase. He was given Anne's diary after the war and after hearing that his family is gone. He had it published in the Netherlands on June 25, 1947. He later moved to Switzerland and married Fritzi Markovits. He died on August 19, 1980 in Basel, Switzerland.

Otto Frank when he was younger and before the war.

Miep Gies

Miep Gies was born on February 15, 1909 in Vienna, Austria. She moved to the Netherlands in December, 1920 with a foster family and was given the name Miep. Her original name was Hermione. She moved to Amsterdam in 1924 and became a sere start with the Opekta company in 1933. She married Jan Gies on July 16, 1941. She was asked to help the Frank family go into hiding in June, 1942. When the families are arrested, she isn't taken with them. She finds Anne's diary in the Annex and gives it to Otto when he returns from the camp. She and Jan had their 1st child on July 13, 1950. Jan passed away on January 26, 1993. Miep celebrated her 90th birthday on February 15, 2009. She died at the age of 100 on January 11, 2010.

Milep when she was young.

Peter Van Pels

Peter Van Pels was born on November 8, 1926 in Osnabruck, Germany. He moved to the Netherlands with his parents on July 26, 1937. He went into hiding with the Franks on July 13, 1942. Everyone was arrested on August 4, 1944. He died in Mauthausen on May 10, 1945.

The only picture in existence of Peter.

Act 1 Summary

In Act 1 of the diary of Anne Frank, the story begins after the war and Mr. Frank is returning from the death camp to the Secret Annex one more time to see what the Nazis did to it and how it has changed since everyone was arrested. Miep finds Anne's diary and Mr. Frank reads it and gets to understand how she felt about the war and what her perspective of life was like during that time. Later, the Franks and the Van Daans meet in the Annex and plan out how they will survive and not get caught. Anne stirs up trouble and annoys Mr. Van Daan with her constant chatter. She upsets Mrs. Van Daan by destroying the coat that her father bought for her before he died. She writes down her feelings in her diary that she gets for her 13th birthday and tells how everything has changed and what she wants to do when the war is over and the things to look forward to. Mrs. Frank tries to be there for Anne and tries to understand her and feels unloved and unwanted. The families take in Mr. Dussel who is a dentist and he also is always annoyed with Anne. She is going through nightmares which cause her to scream and shout and put everyone in danger. The families celebrate Hanakah and Anne gives everyone gifts to show that she is sorry for being a pain.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

When did the Ghetto Uprising take place?

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising went from April 19, 1943 until May 16, 1943.

As a result of the Uprising, what did it do for Jewish morale in Poland?

This rebellion helped those who survived to be ready and prepared for what they might have to fight for next. This rebellion slowly ended up in a German victory and about 13,000 Jews died in the end.

How many people died at the Warsaw Ghetto?

The death total is estimated to be about 300,000 deaths. Most of them were Jews.

How many German soldiers and Jewish fighters were killed in the Uprising?

About 13,000 Jews died from gas chambers or rebelling against German soldiers. Less than 300 German soldiers were killed in the Jewish rebellion.

Anne Frank Act 2 Summary

Everyone in the Annex awaits for the news of the war being over. Food is becoming scarce and meals have been cut down so everyone goes to bed hungry. Anne has a dream where Mr. Van Daan steals food and keeps it for himself. This ends up to be true when he is caught one night stealing bread out of the cabinet and Mrs. Frank lashes out at him and thier family. She threatened to send them out on the streets and to let them starve and find their own place to hide. Mr. Van Daan feels ashamed for taking food that was meant for the kids. In the end, when they are going through another normal day, the green police arrive and arrest all of the families and take them away to the concentrations camps. That is where the play ends.

Created with images by quapan - "Molotow beim Tête-à-Tête mit Hitler im November 1940"

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