"Sometimes, when you meet people, you know there is something special about them." devin schroder

"Purdue had everything I was looking for in a college. A team going in the right direction, great coaches and a great education. Every concern I had about college Purdue had an answer for it, which made it a perfect fit."

No. 56 overall recruit of 2016

Flowrestling (9/29)

Devin has won three Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 3 state titles at Grand Rapids Catholic Central.
In his final MHSAA tournament, Devin outscored his first three opponents at 119 pounds 40-3 with technical falls in the first round and semifinals, using less than 4:30 to register both (1:53, 2:34). He dropped a 6-4 sudden victory heartbreaker in the title bout, closing out a 45-2 season.
As a freshman he went 53-0 on his way to the 112-pound championship and then won back-to-back titles at 119. He posted a record of 44-4 as a sophomore and 47-1 as a junior.
The head coach of the Cougars, B.J. Schroder, who is also Devin's father, has produced a pair of Purdue wrestlers.

"I think it’s going to be awesome to have Devin here. He came down to wrestle-offs last year with me and I told him it would be a good fit for him too. He has been down here a couple of times and he already fits in really well. He has already adjusted to the culture of our team." - Nate Limmex, Purdue freshman (149)

"Being good friends with Nate in high school, I’ve been able to meet most of the team and I already feel like I belong with them. Nate and a lot of the other guys on the team have been super welcoming to the family and I can’t wait to get into the room and go at it with the guys." - Devin Schroder

Devin placed eighth at 120 pounds at the 2015 Super 32 Challenge and is a is a two-time FloNationals finalist at 113, winning it all in 2014.

"He’s had a lot of success. When he won the FloNationals title in 2014, that was the one tournament where he really stuck out on my radar and we followed him ever since." - Tony Ersland

"I love Devin. He is a happy, go-lucky kid, has a tremendous attitude about competing and getting better and has a unique style. He is more of a funky wrestler and I enjoy having some of that in our room." - Tony Ersland

devin chose purdue because...

"The coaching staff really got my attention with their goals and vision. You can already see what they have done in only a year with their staff. I’m pumped to be a part of this incoming class and I’m excited to see what we are able to do with the rest of the team in the future."


"I think the overwhelming thing about the Class of 2016 is they really bought into our message, which is the transformation of Purdue wrestling and where we are taking this program. They saw the impact of what we did in year one and how the guys bought into our message. This same group was excited about what that message was and that’s accomplishing a lot of firsts for Purdue wrestling. I love that these guys want to be a part of doing something the first time.

"We coach everyone as individuals. We’re not going to try to change you. We’re going to enhance what you do."

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