Toy poodles  No they aren't toYs

About the author My names Jayde I am 9 years old I love poodles
Bath your poodle once a fortnight less you puppy rolls in something Discussing or gets wet

Worming and fleeing is very important because animals get sick or pass flea's and worms on to different toy poodles

That's why your should worm your puppy every 2 weeks In till your puppy is twelve weeks old and then every 3 mouths for the rest of there life

Clip Your puppy muzzle must always be clipped from a small age and same with there body you can do it with scissors or clippers ,

We mainly live inside but some times we sleep and live out side but mainly we sleep inside

Brush with a comb for toy poodles because they are very curly and fluffy that way you will get all the knots out

It is very important you clip your puppy's nails for two reasons they will get long and the other reason is you will have to teach them to sit and get there nails cut

There are many opinions about the best poodle nutrition for your cute doggy some say to feed him with food that you eat by yourself. For example, turkey, chicken, potatoes, brown rice, eggs mushed carrots

Is a poodle the right dog for you

Is very small, light and graceful, athletic and agile

Has a short curly coat that is virtually non-shedding (the best coated breed for allergy sufferers)

Comes in a variety of colors

They are very lively and playful

Is one of the brightest and most attentive of all breeds, such a skilled reader of body language and expression, that he often appears telepathic

Is easy to train and housebreak

Is usually polite with strangers and sociable with other animals

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