eTwinning Learning Events Spring 2016

Creating Apps for eTwinning Projects

Expert: Marco Neves

This eLearning event focuses on the use of App Inventor as tool to create educational resources. The main goal is to show how teachers can use it to easily create easy Apps with their students in the context of eTwinning projects. Now a days “coding” is consider as way to develop important skill and competences. Coding sparks creativity, inspiration and innovation. With these LE we aim to promote on teachers the will to integrate “coding” as a part of theirs eTwinning projects.

Dates: 8 - 18 March. Language: English

e-safety and Digital Skills

Experts: Sabrina Vorbau and Karl Hopwood

mprove teacher competence in dealing with online safety / safe and responsible use of technology / digital citizenship; • Give visibility to BIK portal/resource • Stimulate teacher to implement innovative classroom scenarios, in dialogue/collaboration with other teachers.

Dates: 1 - 12 April, Language: English

How to develop spirit of enterprise and initiative at school and eTwinning projects

Expert: Kornelia Lohynova

Young generation will live in an era of globalization that will demand mobility and soft skills. Our current education system needs to adapt to such challenges. Tools, such as entrepreneurship education, show good results because they focus on soft and core skills, including problem-solving; team-work; initiative-taking, creativity and innovation, ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. It is about enabling young people to develop the mind-set and skills they need for life and work. It is about initiative and making things happen. In this learning event we will explore methods and tools to support entrepreneurial mind-set and skills of learners. We will encourage participants to develop more enterprising approaches to teaching and learning in order to promote pupils´ creativity, activity and initiative. We will learn how to apply entrepreneurial learning for any age group and how to integrate it into eTwinning projects with the help of ICT tools.

Dates: 1 - 12 April Language: Slovak

eTwinning, PNSD e AD - il valore aggiunto della coprogettazione digitale nell’innovazione della scuola italiana

Experts: Marilina Lonigro, Laura Maffei, Elena Pezzi, Paola Arduini

The Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) has recently introduced the “Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale” framework, whose target is to support and develop the digital innovation of Italian schools. We believe eTwinners have much to say, share, teach and learn in this field – indeed, every Italian teacher has. This could be the beginning of a new era for all Italian eTwinners. So don’t miss this opportunity: let’s discover together the added value of the “eTwinning way”.

Dates: 7-18 April, Language: Italian

Da Partilha à colaboração / From sharing to Collaboration

Experts: Teresa Lacerda and Miguela Fernandes

Sometimes the work in eTwinning projects is focused mainly on the sharing of materials. However we believe that this should not be an end in itself, but rather an opportunity to begin to collaborate. This learning event aimed to explore some tools for sharing documents but more especially, to work on those methods, which encourage the development of documents collaboratively through the use of web 2.0 tools.

Dates: 18-30 April, Language: Portugese

The Networked Teacher

Experts: Bart Verswijvel & Arjana Blazic

In this LE we will focus on building a Personal Learning Network. Teachers learn how to take professional development into their own hands. They will discover different ways of learning and sharing. They will learn how to organize resources. They will be stimulated to collaborate in an extended staffroom to collaborate and to create and share learning activities for the classroom. The eTwinning community enables teachers to easily engage in active learning, create new resources and share them with the community. eTwinning represents a unique opportunity for teachers to connect and to network. This learning event will focus on different approaches to personal learning networks and teacher networking. In hands-on activities participants will explore online communities and learn how to build lively personal learning networks. They will explore ways to develop and successfully maintain their network. They will learn how to support, motivate and inspire others and at the same time remain motivated and inspired.

Dates: 18-29 April, Language: English

Increasing the quality of eTwinning projects

Experts: Tomislav Pavlovic & Suzana Delic

In this learning event the participants will learn about the features of a successful eTwinning project. The event will also provide examples of good practice and enable asking questions to founders of successful projects. Special emphasis will be on planning evaluation and dissemination activities.

Dates: 25 April - 7 May, Language: English

Math for Every Student

Expert: Irina Vasilescu

The aim of the event is to present and share ideas, strategies, tools and teaching techniques meant to involve every student in actively learning Math according to his/her own skills and interests. The pedagogy of the event is based on Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory. The aim is to motivate and empower pupils' involvement both in the every-day class and in project activities, according to each learning style, while nurturing their growing mindset, self-understanding and mutual respect, to reach all our pupils and help them to use their full potential, by adapting the activities to their own skills and strengths. The final aim of the event is to help the participating teachers to enhance the quality of their teaching strategies by going from transmitting information to collaborative and involving activities that would allow every student to value his/her potential and understand the usefulness of Mathematics.

Dates: 1 - 13 May Language: English

Collaborative learning in eTwinning- Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Expert: Irene Pateraki

Collaborative learning is an educational method where two or more students work together to learn something by sharing and social interacting with each other. The collaborative learning method is based on Piaget's theory that students learn when they are cognitively ready and Vygotsky's zone proximal development theory. Collaborative learning has been shown to increase the level of learning and covers one of the broad areas of competence: working with others. ETwinning offers opportunities of international collaboration and teachers can do many things on that direction. During this LE teachers will have the opportunity to: - learn what collaborative learning is about - learn how we can organize collaborative activities from the beginning to the end of the project according to the age of our students - take part on simulation activities as students and evaluate the benefits, discuss and analyze the difficulties.

Dates: 15-26 May, Language: English

eTwinning and Interculturality

Expert: Daniela Arghir

This Learning Event aims at modeling a student-centered approach in which European learners are encouraged to develop a cross-cultural identity to effectively perform in intercultural project-based settings such as eTwinning.

Dates: 23 May - 3 June, Language: English

How partnerships and ICT innovate Primary School teaching and learning

Expert: Marina Screpanti

The topic is about innovation in Primary School teaching and learning. It intends to help teachers renew their methods showing them how work with partners (in the eTwinning platform) can help reaching competences. It aims to suggest strategies, methodologies and good practices founded on theory and experience. All the suggestions will have tasks to give the learning event an interactive aspect. Many school subjects will be discussed in the LE: Foreign language: strategies to help students working on real communication in L2 Mother tongue: online storytelling: creative writing and comic strips; creation of story sacks with partners Geography, History, Art, Science: use of tools 2.0 to study it and online games with partners, CLIL PE: how to integrate motricity and ICT; Spaced learning methodology experimentation; how to work out in a collaborative way with partners (yoga, Orienteering,…)

Dates: 30 May to 10 June, Language: English

First steps for the use of technology in the classroom (towards a digital citizenship)

Expert: Tommaso Dalla Vecchia

This LE is intended to serve as an icebreaker for those teachers who want to use technology in the classroom but who are at the same time afraid to take the first steps. This learning event will guide you in the effective and pedagogic use technology in the classroom not only as teaching and learning tools, but also as instruments to initiate pupils and students to the concept of digital citizenship.

Dates: 6-17 June, Language: English

The integration of Refugees in daily school life

Dates: 13-24 June, Language: English

Created by Arjana Blazic

Always learning

February 2016

Created with images by DariuszSankowski - "apple iphone iwatch" • niekverlaan - "tablet ipad read" • Unsplash - "business work mockup" • kaboompics - "laptop office work" • PublicDomainPictures - "internet content portal" • FirmBee - "office flowers apple" • morebyless - "Numbers" • lindstormORG - "bunny blankit" • martinak15 - "172/365 I Want to See the World" • hammaadyousaf0 - "technology startup business" • steinchen - "handshake hands reach" • GotCredit - "Learn"

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