President's Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Award To Jenel Cavazos (Dr. C)

Dr. C is an amazing mentor and so deserving of this award! I can say personally she has given us many options to better organize our lives and that has helped me quite a bit.

Dr. C helped me transition to college my first semester. She's encouraging, welcoming, and caring. She has never failed to not be there for any of her students and continues to be there for me. She has shared her fascinating life story with me and others and it has both inspired and assisted me in my life. She has also gave me numerous opportunities that I would not of had without knowing her. She is the best for this award and I am so exciting for her that she is being acknowledged for her above and beyond care for her students.

I have enjoyed the mentor program with Dr. C for many reasons. Being in a psychology class larger than my high school graduating class was overwhelming. So having the opportunity to get one on one time with my professor in my field of study made the transition to college life much easier. I loved being able to ask her questions regarding school and psychology. Now I feel like I have made a great connection here at OU and I feel comfortable being able to go to Dr. C for any questions I may have or even to write a letter of recommendation for me if needed. Overall I have loved the opportunity and experience of having Dr. C as my mentor.

Dr. C's guidance was so helpful in my first semester. She was incredibly easy to talk to and joke around with. Whenever I talked to her it always felt like she was really listening to me and engaged in the conversation. Having a Dr in front of her name I was worried she might be rather intimidating but she was intelligent without seeming like the walking encyclopedia that I was worried I would meet. I'm so grateful that she took the time to clarify some of the concepts from her class as well as sometimes simply discuss some psychology related topic, it has definitely driven an interest in the field for me. I also can't say enough about her simple kindness and understanding, when one of us would open up about our lives she would share something as well about her time in school or her life outside of the university. I will always be grateful for having Dr. C as a mentor, and because of her I would wholeheartedly encourage all incoming freshmen to be a part of the mentoring program.

Created with images by okchomeseller - "Holmberg Hall, University of Oklahoma" • adam.croom - "Beautiful shot of University of Oklahoma South Oval."

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