Into The Woods Candlelight dinner playhouse

Candlelight Dinner Playhouse closes their eighth season with a spectacular production of INTO THE WOODS.

Book by James Lapine with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.

Broadway and recording star Debby Boone plays the Witch for the first three weeks of "Into The Woods" at Candlelight Dinner Playhouse - May 19 through June 5. (Beth Beyer will take over for the remaining performances)

It would be easy to think of this as stunt casting, but you'd be wrong. This production is filled with charm and heart, and the entire company meets the challenge of this material with the skill of any national company.

Colorado based special effect makeup mater Todd Debreceni brings his artistry to this production.

With so many stand out performances (and a tempting custom menu) I hope to return to see this company again when Colorado's Beth Beyer casts her spell as the Witch.

INTO THE WOODS - May 19 – July 10, 2016

Created By
Eden Lane

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