centrum creativity in community

The arts don't exist in isolation. - David Byrne

A recent study showed that today's youth are spending an average of 9 hours in front of a screen every day.

"It shows you that kids spend more time with media than they do with their parents, time in school, or any other thing." - Common Sense Media Report

Last month, The New Yorker wrote, "Americans are growing increasingly separated from one another along the lines of class, in every aspect of life: where they're born and grow up, where they go to school, what they eat, how they travel, whom they marry, what their children do, how long they live..."

The article then asked, "What kind of "national community" built on "mutual obligation" is possible when Americans have so little shared experience?"

At Centrum, we bring youth and adults together to share their time and their talent with our esteemed faculty and mentors. Our commitment to multi-generational learning heightens relationships with elders and peers, while instilling greater self confidence and a broader sense of the world.

Learners as young as four share our programs with participants as advanced as 98. As a result, cultural art forms and traditions are being passed from one generation to the next.

Astonishingly, Centrum's youth hail from all parts of the United States and 77% of the counties in Washington State.

Centrum's programs at Fort Worden State Park provide a natural environment for participants of all ages to explore and learn, while interacting with others from different lifestyles.

We invite young people to explore new artistic areas. Whether it's wearable art (pictured), music, creative writing, dance, theater, graphic design or visual art, Centrum youth leave our programs open to new ideas and new avenues of expression.

With the notion of "community" at our core, Centrum fosters rich learning environments that empower youth and develop critical thinking skills.

Finally, the idea of mentorship connects all programs at Centrum - artists of all ages find inspiration through week-long affiliations with some of the greatest teachers and practitioners in their field of interest.

As we near the end of 2015, we invite you to support our programs with a year-end gift.

Join with us and express your support for life-long learning and the value of inter-generational programs in the arts!

Please support Centrum and our mission to connect learners of all ages through shared and direct experiences in the visual, literary and performing arts.

Thank you for your year-end, tax-deductible gift.

Created By
Centrum Foundation

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