Cholera By:dylan scottĀ 

Water borne.

What is in that dirty water anyway? Meet Cholera. Probably the most deadliest disease you will meet. Cholera (Kol-er-uh) is actually a water borne disease. Cholera spreads easiest in contaminated water. Near or in the Platte River, there was a good chance of Cholera.


There are several possible symptoms of Cholera. First, your legs and stomach start to cramp or hurt. Then, you have to go to the bathroom all of a sudden. You keep going to the bathroom urgently. You start to grow weak. Cholera is in your body. Large amounts of water comes out as, vomiting or diarrhea.

Do it fast!

If you have Cholera, you better do whatever you want within the day! If you are a very healthy person with Cholera, you only have 24 hours to live or less. If not treated for Cholera, you might want to think twice. Sometimes even if treated, you could possibly die.

Death by death.

Millions of people die of Cholera. When, or if, you die of Cholera, your body will turn pale. Most likely, in poor areas of the world, Cholera is most effective. Death after death, on the trail or on a ship Cholera is around the corner. Are you thinking twice about Cholera? Do you never want to go in a lake again? Don't worry there is a cure.

The deadly trail.

Monday March 20th, 1830

My dad told me I had to pack my things and go in the wagon. I didn't know where we were going but I knew it was going to be a long trip. We are bringing lots of food.

Tuesday March 21st, 1830

We had boiled eggs for breakfast. We are still traveling with a lot of other nice people. We are approximately moving west. I am very thirsty so I hope there is a pond or a river over this hill.

Wednesday March 22nd, 1830

We finally came across a river. I shoveled my hands in the water and drank it up. That is when my stomach started to hurt. I had to go to the bathroom really bad. Diarrhea had come to me. My legs started to hurt and I felt weak. I told my dad and he had a worried face.

Thursday March 23rd, 1830

My dad told me I had Cholera. I am scared to death. We found a doctor but he didn't know how to help. My dad gave me a little bit of rice. I ate all of it completely. Dad is already crying. I did not like seeing my dad cry.

Friday March 24th, 1830

I am wandering in the woods. I ran away last night. I have to stop every two minutes to go to the bathroom. I collapsed the first ten minutes. I can not go anymore longer. I will miss my dad very much. No. I will not go out like this. I scream for my dad. No answer. I bet they are halfway there already. I guess this is the end of my journey. Goodbye dad...


Vomit: throw up.

Diarrhea: going to the bathroom constantly

Pale: a tint or shade of gray

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