The Monday Night Club Halloween Party 2015

Every year we have the most amazing Halloween party. It's also when we celebrate the birthday of The Monday Night Club. 4 years this year!

Everyone makes a huge effort on their costumes. These two friends dressed as little Red Devils.

Don't be scared. Don't scream!

Over 140 people came to our party this year - we welcomed zombie cheer leaders and pumpkins...

....evil Victorian gentlemen and zombie brides.

Make up and masks...

You can recognise some of these people - more worrying, some you can't... Who is behind the mask?

Devils, blue-haired skeletons, blood-soaked brides and someone even more frightening! Tom!! 👿👻

I don't know why you are smiling Jenny - I was screaming😱

The medical profession were particularly blood-soaked, and coloured hair very fashionable this year.

Can you guess who these two are? Who screamed first 😵

All smiles after supper. Devil may care!

That was a great party. Music, seasonally spooky, by DJ Mick.

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